Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to Straighten Hair Naturally

In this occasion I will discuss the article on How to Straighten Hair Naturally. Hopefully the post How to Straighten Natural Hair will add to your knowledge

Cara Meluruskan Rambut Secara Alami
How to Straighten Hair Naturally | Definitely for you the ladies are often resentful when your hair is tangled and not straight. Yep, it is very annoying especially if you are a career woman who claimed to have to always look neat.

This time I wanted to share a few tips to straighten hair in a natural way without harmful drugs. Let's refer to How to Straighten Natural Hair following:

1. CeleryTake a few leaves of fresh celery then mash until dissolved and add a little water. After the squeeze and grab the water extract. Then masukanlah into the bottle and inapkan up overnight. In the morning can be used as Cream Bath by means of a massage until evenly throughout the scalp, then rinse with water and wash with shampoo suitable.2. MilkMix half a cup of milk with half a cup of plain water. Enter the mixture in a spray bottle, and spray on the hair. Let stand for 20 to 25 minutes, then comb the hair until smooth. After that, you can rinse your hair using shampoo and conditioner.3. Coconut Milk & Juice LemonMix one cup of coconut milk with half a cup of lemon juice. After that, chill the mixture in the refrigerator so that turned into a thick cream. Then smeared the mixture on the hair until evenly distributed. Massage the scalp, then wrap the hair with a shower cap. Let stand until dry, about as long as an hour.
That way Natural Hair Straightening, may be useful

Pictures That Got Horrendous Internet World

I will be present on the day of the post World Pictures That Got Horrendous Internet. Hopefully the article Horrendous Pictures That Got The World Internet will add to your knowledge

Spiderman lizard

Agamidae family of lizards found in Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. In 2009, the lizard photo circulated after people admit resemblance to Spider-Man. Male lizard head, neck and shoulders are bright red or purple, while the body is dark blue. Since this photo became popular, species initelah turned into a pet that is in demand.
 Stuck on Pole Reindeer Phone

In 2004, a collection of strange images appear on the Internet deer are found on top of the pole height of 7.6 m. The photos were taken at Headingley, which is a rural town in Manitoba, Canada, located just west of Winnipeg. Some people in the area witnessed a strange scene. Companions anehdidunia.blogspot.com local media picked up the story and speculate that the deer was thrown on the pole after being struck by a passing train. Others insist it is a result of a fraudulent act. Surprisingly, a similar mystery has been reported previously when the deer was found hanging in Delaware County, New York.Pada 2004, a similar incident occurred when the deer are in the power poles as high as 15.2 m This incident occurred in the Pogo Mine, near Teck Polo gold mine, 80 miles southeast of Fairbanks, Alaska. Officers speculated that deer antlers stuck in a half-inch cable, and then lifted 15.2 m into the air when the winch cable is tightened with hidrolik.Sayangnya, 1,200-pound moose was still alive when lowered to the ground and is then subjected to euthanasia.

monster Pig

Full Internet History famous picture showing the animals raksasa.Pada May 2007, a giant pig was shot and killed by a child eleven years old named Jamison Stone.Lokasi claimed the shooting occurred at home in a commercial hunting Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama .According hunter, pig weight 477 kg, with a length of 2.84 m from the tip of the snout to the base of its tail.Stone said he killed the animal with a weapon Smith & Wesson Model 500 which has a holographic scope mounted and ported barel.Dia fired eight grains of 350-grain Hornady cartridges towards pork and chased him for three hours before it collapsed because babai blood loss. A few days after the story broke, suspicions mounted on the authenticity of photographic evidence. http://anehdidunia.blogspot.com Retired physicist at New York University, Dr. Richard Brandt, using geometry perspective to show that the boy in the picture was standing a few feet behind babi.Namun, Associated Press (AP) continue to maintain the image of a pig monster in their archives with no mention of fraud.Several other cases that show images of popular giant animals including Hogzilla, camel spiders in Iraq, giant catfish, giant rabbits Herman, large rattlesnakes in eastern diamondback, and coconut crabs.
Julio Aparicio gored Bull

Julio Aparicio is one of the most terkenal.Pada Spanish bullfighter in 2010, he performed at the Festival of Saint Isidro, which is considered the most important event in the calendar of bullfighting. held at the Plaza de Toros las Ventas bullring in Madrid, Spain.
When the show, Aparicio gored in the face by a bull. Bull horn under the chin Aparicio entered and exited in his mouth. He was seriously injured in the event and underwent two operations in order to avoid death. In 2010, this picture very quickly became popular spread
Giant Grizzly Bears

In 2001, a collection of photos began circulating on the Internet that shows the body of a large grizzly bear. Along with the pictures, many articles including a detailed story about the size of bears and bear lust to feed on humans. Some internet sites claim that the remnants of the human body is found in the bear's stomach after the giant bear was killed, but the friend anehdidunia.blogspot.com this story turns hoax In fact, the bear was killed was shot in October 2001 by US pilots Ted Winnen, who placed at Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks, Alaska.Winnen find big bear when he was hunting deer in Hinchinbrook Island, Prince William Sound. Reported that the bear came to Winnen, so Ted shot. It is unclear whether the bear was surprised by this man or this bears impressed threateningWinnen measure the size of the bear is 3.2 meters from nose to tail. The weight is estimated between 1000-1200 pound.Beruang it is unusually large specimen for the Prince William Sound area (twice the normal size), but it is not a world record. Ted Winnen shot with rifle .338 Winchester Magnum caliber.
Pink Dolphin


In June 2007, photo albino dolphin pink bottle caught in Lake Calcasieu, which is a brackish lake located in southwest Louisiana, United Serikat.Menurut marine biologist Dagmar Fertl, the incidence of reported sightings of an albino dolphin bottle in Gulf of Mexico and only fourteen times ever seen in the world.
 Bitterroot National Forest Fire


In 2000, the United States experienced mengerikan.Pada fire season in August, more than 4 million hectares of forest were burned. On August 6, 2000, several fires occurred in the Bitterroot National Forest near Sula city in western Montana.Seperti spread of fire, analyst John McColgan capture photo exceptional fire behavior of the scene. The picture shows a bunch of deer watching the fire from the river.
Snake Catch Wallabies
In 2005, Australian news outlet ABC Far North Queensland reported in the figure showing the olive python attract large wallaby from air.Pada 2007, the image was circulated under the description that the snake was eating a cow,.
Python olive second largest species of snakes of Australia and they have been known to consume large animals. Snakes in this photo is very large and if you look closely it lay along the road from the right side of the image. It's hard to see the whole very well camouflaged snakes because the surface of the stone. The photo was taken in the Kimberley region of Western Australia
Alligator with Deer in mouth


In 2004, the picture emerging on the Internet that claim to show a crocodile in Cross Lake (located near Shreveport, Louisiana) with adult deer mulutnya.Gambar surprise viewers because this lake is a popular place for fishing and recreational boating. Other sites claim the photo was taken at Lake Martin in Alabama or South Carolina.
In August 2004, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced in a press release that the picture was taken in South Georgia, near the border of South Carolina by an officer who is preparing for the specified trigger fire. Workers were surveying the area by helicopter.
Sharks Following kayaker
In September 2005, Africa Geographic magazine published an article titled Detective shark, great white shark which examines offshore South Africa. This article includes a collection of photographs that show the experience kayaker with white sharks besar.Keterangan to photograph reads:. Sitting in a kayak measuring 3.8 meters and 4 meters watch the big shark approaching In the publication, the researchers describe tegang.Namun situation, they have tested the reaction of sharks to empty kayak and did not find any signs of aggressive sharks.
Over the years, a large collection of fake shark picture has spread through Internet.Beberapa good examples include images of sharks jumping out of water in a military helicopter, image hiding behind a hungry shark divers, photo large shark near surfer (which actually dolphins -lumba), and more recently the image of sharks in the street Puerto Rico after Hurricane Irene. In the image of Puerto Rico, in fact drawn from a kayak shark

Monday, April 27, 2015

Penyanyi dangdut yang berani secara terbuka

Dalam posting ini saya akan menyajikan artikel tentang penyanyi dangdut yang berani secara terang-terangan. Semoga penyanyi dangdut artikel yang berani secara terbuka akan menambah wacana Anda

Penyanyi dangdut Foto Bugil Beredar di Facebook Tulungagung - Puluhan foto seksi dengan berbagai telanjang menimbulkan Musisi (penyanyi) dangdut asal Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, beredar luas di dunia maya melalui situs jejaring sosial Facebook.Antara di Tulungagung, Jumat melaporkan, foto dangdut penyanyi seksi Ratna Dewi (22) dapat dengan mudah diakses di facebook dengan akun nama ASIK.Dalam galeri foto di akun, diposting setidaknya 37 foto bugil dengan berbagai pose, yang sebagian terlihat diambil sendiri oleh Ratna Dewi, mengacu pada posisi satu tangan di sudut gambar.Selain foto dan nudis seksi lainnya, galeri foto juga ditampilkan berbagai gambar dokumen kegiatan Ratna Dewi sambil bernyanyi di atas panggung dengan grub musik meningkat, atau kegiatan lain di luar pekerjaan sebagai penyanyi dangdut."Dalam gambar pertama menampilkan galeri foto, ada terpampang korban KTP yang tampak sengaja difoto dan upload pelaku sehingga memudahkan bagi siapa saja yang membuka rekening Ratna Dewi mengetahui identitas yang jelas," kata Fendi Herlambang, salah satu facebooker Tulungagung.

Aktor yang tidak diketahui menyebar foto bugil, serta motif di balik itu.Keberadaan akun berisi puluhan foto seronok itu dikenal di kalangan wartawan dan Facebookers, setelah beredar pesan berantai berisi alamat (akun) facebook ASIKK, melalui massanger jaringan blacberry (BBM), Jumat pagi."Kami akan menyelidiki siapa dan apa motif pelaku porno ini foto uploader," kata Humas Polda Kasubbag Tulungagung, AKP Dwi Hartaya.Sebagai Ratna Dewi foto ID ditampilkan di akun facebook ASIKK galeri foto, penyanyi dangdut yang dikenal dengan NIK (nomor induk kependudukan) terletak di Dusun Balong 350.404.441.091.002, RT 01 / RW 02, Padangan, Kecamatan Ngantru, Tulungagung.Keaslian penyanyi dangdut image lahir 4 Oktober 1991 telah mengkonfirmasi sejumlah fans dan tetangga yang mengenali wajah gadis yang masih tercatat sebagai mahasiswa ini."Dia anak seorang penjaga keamanan, dan selama itu bekerja sebagai penyanyi dangdut," ujar Doni, penggemar sekali tetangga Ratna.Informasi yang dikembangkan dari Mulud ke Mulud, meng-upload foto bugil Ratna Dewi adalah mantan kekasih yang tidak puas.Akun ASIKK berikut foto-foto yang diupload pada Kamis (8/11) malam, sebelum kemudian menyebar melalui pesan berantai

Best Places For Kissing set

Set of Best Places To Kiss, kiss basically is a very decisive action in his nature, many people likened the happiness with a kiss. This idea was first launched by the mysterious artist from Italy. He moves the message of love to all around the world, by marking some of the best locations for a kiss. As quoted from page Daily Mail.The simple message is intended for couples who began to flock to places of interest throughout the world.Stickers that read A Good Kiss the Spot, has been inserted in place of interest, such as near the historical monuments, bridges, benches city streets, even in vehicles.Several cities of major countries have started to move this sticker ie, New York, London, Sydney, Rome, Paris and Budapest.If you're on vacation and visit to the country, with your partner, time to yourself to visit the place stickers pinned, and you may kiss with a loved one there.

Here are a few places in the world that has berstiker A Good Kiss Spot:New York: Cooney Island and the New York Subway.Sydney: Opera House in Sydney harbor.Berlin: Berlin Bridge.London: Camden Town Bridge, London.Italy: Stones on the beach of Cala dei Turchi, Silicy, Italy.Budapest: Motorcycles Old in Budapest.Rome:France: public seating Montmarte, Paris.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

To make the Internal Sampling Keyboard Yamaha YEP S750, S950 and A2000

To make the Internal Sampling Keyboard Yamaha YEP S750, S950 and A2000 First We Must Have Applications Yamaha Expansion Voice. For those who do not have please download it first in HERE Then extract and open.
Right away, let us learn to make YEP

1. Install the software if already installed zoom like this

2. This time it appears click Ok wrote, further

3. This comes up click OK

4. This appears, click close,

5. The main display

6. Next select the type of keyboard to type S750 and S950, wrote in the mode select A2000

7. Next select the type of voice

If we want to create percussion or non-pitched voice (drums, drums, DJ effects, etc.) select aja drumkit. But if you want to create a voice pitched (bass, piano, flute, etc.) select Normal mode.

8. Love VOICE name by right clicking rename
9. Fill / import voice and position in the keys
File that can be imported only in the form of WAV files. How to import by right clicking on the position of the keys that will be filled and then click browse.

10. Select the voice wavnya, and then click Open

11. If successful there is a button color in the keys

12. Advanced settings pervoice The key there is in DETAIL

Continue until all keys loaded contents

13. If still not a place, it could add a new room with a right click NEW

14. To start a new project, double-click on the new voice space
15. If the percussion was out and would charge the regular voice, just change the no.7 to normal voice. Ngimportnya same way.
16. If you've finished, click create expansion

17. Fill in the information as desired, and click create

       the expansion pack

18. Select the storage location YEP then save
19. If you want to save the project because it has not been completed, and want to continue next time, click the File Save as

Remembers well the storage location, the project will be saved with the form .YPP not YEP

So little of my posts about make YEP. If there is a lack apologize, because I am still learning too. Hopefully useful.

make the Internal Sampling

Saturday, April 25, 2015

social media widget version 3

In this post I will present a post about social media widget version 3. Hopefully with social media news widget version 3 will add to your knowledge

widget Social Media Round Style

Wsocial media widgets round style with attractive appearance, how to make social media widget style round is almost the same with social media widgets in general, it's just that the system CSSnya change the display style of social media widgets round more interesting and unique style of social widgets in general. Mania for the bloggers who want to install the widget style round this social media on his blog page please see explanation below, just to the scene.


Install Program CSS

    - Login to your dashboard
    - Go to the "Template" and click "Edit HTML"
    - Search code]]> </ b: skin>
    - Copy Code CSS script below, paste the above code]]> </ b: skin> before or when you use the blog template </ style> CSSnya please paste the code right above </ style> your template.

Name : Widget social media round style
By : Arieadie | Blog Design
my blog : lagudjawaasli.blogspot.com
Update : kamis, 08 oktober 2013
.social-ballbdrs {
padding: 5;
.social-ballbdrs li, .social-ballbdrs li, .social-ballbdrs li {
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
background-color: #CCCCCC;
display: inline;
border:solid #999999 1px;
box-shadow:0 0 5px 2px #999 inset;
.social-ballbdrs li a {
-moz-transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;
display: block;
float: left;
height: 100%;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
text-indent: -9999px;
.social-ballbdrs li.facebookball a {
background: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgS5OCeKCMs3GSsDMXVNp4Rbz1kiqAEzGbCJ72JzjHY3-huXOt0l0AL8GAS5Z7TRZjkI_7YFkFE4R-Px41LYxv1U-Jd61Pvv1tcrbhrdHKbUMpx6AlaYiWcY4EDTTqy_LW-KRixEeMoEUg/s1600/FACEBOOK.png') no-repeat 0 0;
.social-ballbdrs li.facebookball a:hover {
background-color: #3b5998;
.social-ballbdrs li.googleplusball a {
background: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_zOihnRAzkWYYZRLlmFyQuBQivgimOFWCK8Mcfx6N5K5E2kJ6nhbplMjJZDlw6pExv_dIQNcoNk6UEXUzclkCLn6NOWry_krmryVqGH7T7olN4AP0d46hy2Kge5huhsUzxPWJgNatEwg/s1600/googleplus.png') no-repeat 0 0;
.social-ballbdrs li.googleplusball a:hover {
background-color: #d94a39;
.social-ballbdrs li.rssball a {
background: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgchRHldSwjFxVrIay1cm4CNUOEkH9QAQl2XNUYwd5Km3SbFyz2tUkVN57dxHKNnDLFr1jqYC0jJX5k1W5G0J6tEeiwGDUaDPhu7BQJm-U_WyLiwbxF8Vx6ekcK9iebwCxyEBekFvJomNw/s1600/rssbd.png') no-repeat 0 0;
.social-ballbdrs li.rssball a:hover {
background-color: #fe9900;
.social-ballbdrs li.twitterball a {
background: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiXHagwdX5ShPNFTTkYburRH-vd8n38JlAvgvctjVpKYrBkmJ8KG79pVna8TSm0KmRsz6GgrBjrQwayW7nlY-_Zo9cXO_ut2SIcmjJ49cCa4Lb1Q2n83BKV6X8Z5UnzDiiIQppl4XWDvnc/s1600/TWITTER.png') no-repeat 0 0;
.social-ballbdrs li.twitterball a:hover {
background-color: #48c4d2;
.social-ballbdrs li.youtubeball a {
background: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3szWjWxveJ5tiriM4kMZHd2y7Xw9orC99KBQPZ4TDxhDiRWsuNSCCcVZHMq8PEqzFZ0zN2Fmo7BjJj2spicEuP7oq2FlhUIzUaOIURlps-VGRlragLLrJ2DL6QsbjxPQgVjpYU2s4VTc/s1600/youtube.png') no-repeat 0 0;
.social-ballbdrs li.youtubeball a:hover {
background-color: #f45750;
.social-ballbdrs li a:hover {
background-position: 0 -40px;
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.social-ballbdrs li a:visited,.social-ballbdrs li a:active{
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box-shadow:3px 3px 10px 2px #333 INSET;
}/*code CSS end */

Install Program HTML tags

To call a social media widget to appear round the style of your favorite blog page, please refer to the explanation below.

     Once you've put CSSnya time you install htmlnya code.
     To install htmlnya code you can put it anywhere. For this tutorial I put it in a sidebar widget blog page.
     Please select "Layout" on the dashboard of your blog.
     Click "Add a gadget" (Add gadgets)
     After appearing gadget page please select "HTML / JavaScript".
     Copy the code in the spoiler below then paste it in your gadget.
     Edit html, save and see the results, may be useful ...

<!-- BDRS widget social media round style code start -->
<div class="social-ballbdrs">
<ul><li class="twitterball"><a target="_blank" href="LINK TWITTER ANDA" rel="nofollow" title="twitter">twitter</a></li>
<li class="googleplusball"><a target="_blank" href="LINK GPLUS ANDA" rel="nofollow" title="gplus">googleplus</a></li>
<li class="facebookball"><a target="_blank" href="LINK FACEBOOK ANDA" rel="nofollow" title="facebook">facebook</a></li>
<li class="rssball"><a target="_blank" href="LINK RSS FEED ANDA" rel="nofollow" title="rss">rss</a></li>
<li class="youtubeball"><a target="_blank" href="LINK YOUTUBE ANDA" rel="nofollow" title="youtube">youtube</a></li></ul>
<!-- BDRS widget social media round style code end -->
Code RED color change with your social media links. Please feel free to edit CSS social media widgets round this style to match the look of your page.