Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Functional Design House All Time

Contoh Pertimbangan Desain Rumah Yang Fungsional Sepanjang Waktu

In a house, of course, members of the family will grow. From children into adults and the adults will move towards old age. It would be very interesting if the concept of the house to be made mempertimbngkan occupants age diversity. We must be aware of the health condition and the existence of an environmentally friendly home. That requires a friendly home for all its inhabitants. For example, when adan sick family members, of the necessary conditions that facilitate home activities in the house. So whatever your physical condition, whether young or old, short or tall, healthy or sick, the arrangement of the house should be enjoyed by all. So what should be considered before deciding to choose the design of the house? Here it is:

· There are no family members who need to use a ladder to get into the house or go to the main room of the house.

· A plan ruamh should be available in several styles, features and benefits. Efisiensikan use including planning floor space and number of bedrooms.

· Make a wide door so that everyone can be free to enter and exit the house.

· The existence of a large open space will allow you to redecorate the room.

· Floor and bathtub with a non-slip surface to avoid the risk of slipping or other accidents.

· The floor surface is flat so that no tripping.

· Good ventilation, especially on stairs, basement and other rooms that do not get much natural light. Pillihlah bright light but not wasteful of energy so as not to cause electricity bills swell.

· Design doorknob or lever model with sliding doors that can make it easier to open the door.

· Wardrobe large can hold more stuff.

· If you are a two-story house, make sure that the stairs were wide enough and safe for small children or the elderly.

· The kitchen is functional is an important key to enjoying life in the house.

· Use the faucet with lever instead of buttons for durability, efficiency and ease of use.

Lifestyle and needs of the family members will change when everyone has a particular phase in his life. Therefore make sure that the design of the friendly support of the needs of each of its members are comprised of various ages who have different needs. By considering this, you do not need very often renovate houses for adjustment of the conditions of its inhabitants.



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