Wednesday, June 3, 2015

female characters in the zodiac GEMINI

Attractive girl, with great intelligence, a very attractive woman. He moves fast and he can not sit or stand still for long periods. He was able to do many things and do it as quickly as possible. If you date him, you might feel feel was dating many women at the same time.

You will not be able to tie it with the word "Love", because he is concerned with love, but it was not a major factor in his life. You should be able to adapt to him or her so that you can know a lot of character it has. He is a dreamer woman who has a lot of dreams. He always wanted to learn about something new every time.

Although he has the character 2 in 1, he was quite unlucky in love. To pursue it, you must put all your abilities. Even when he already likes you and fascinated by your ability, it will also see and investigate your bad side, because it is in her nature.

He is able to handle all sorts of mixed emotions without having to interrupt or show it to you. He can make you happy with acting like a little bird. Conversation with him is not going to bore you. He was able to talk with you about any topic.

He will be able to make you feel the luckiest guy in the world. He is able to make you feel that he needs all your attention, but as soon as he wants sendrian, he was able to stand firm and calm. He can be your best friend and talk to him about anything.

He can follow all your activities with the same energy as you have. He is a man with thinking and quick learning ability. He can see the direction of your project and he can give very good advice. If he thinks you do not want him just to you, then it will act just like your best friend, a woman who is "cool".

He can easily make a man fall in love with him. The ever-changing mood is "charm" for many men. He can only laugh for 2 minutes and then fell silent silent. He wants only find one true love alone, and he wanted to meet the man of her dreams. He hopes that many, sometimes even too much.

He was always waiting for seorgan "handsome knight" even when he has had a girlfriend. He could fall in love or like someone else at the time with you. If you break up with him, he will not be forgotten in the short term, because the change is in her nature.

Gemini women more men than women hurt other zodiac. Because he is a dreamer and always waiting for the arrival of handsome knights, then her love life is really complicated or even fall apart. He never likes to write lengthy letters, so if you write a letter, and wanted to get a response as soon as possible from him, do not ever expect much.

Because he has multiple personalities and many ideas, so he does not like to write. Because he knows, that he thought, today and tomorrow is not necessarily the same. He can communicate in more than one language, a person with extraordinary linguistic talent. If he wants to say bad comments to you, he will not say it directly.

But he will say kengenai many things, and inadvertently will reach subjects who want to accomplish without offending you. Usually she will not lie. He will work hard and occasionally will take a long break. He is never satisfied with his condition now, with money, or reputation now, he always wants to get better again.

Do not ask him, what exactly is it that might fulfill all his wishes, because he would never answer. Once you get to know him, he will be the one who supports and is always ready beside you. He has a wonderful dream, and he wanted the people who have the same desire and ability with him, which will always be with accompanying him.

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